Academy Courses

We’ve got an extensive library of courses and programs to enrich our Members’ staff learning and development. This library has been developed and built over many years and includes previous course content, links to experts & facilitators, and all details on the current courses and training on offer.

We have approached the content to ensure that we cover three areas of learning and development:

Technical Skills & Compliance Training: enabling people ‘to-do’ their roles effectively

Tactical Learning & Development areas: enabling people to ‘improve’ in their own role capability and competency

Strategic Learning & Development areas: enabling people to ‘change’ their way of working and for transformation across their role, leading others, and the organisation

Each Course or Program page provides in-depth detail. Including the purpose, learning outcomes, location, cost, dates/ times and the facilitator information (including a link to their Capability Statement).

To make it easy to find the course you’re after, we’ve grouped them into categories based on these main areas:

Leadership Courses and Programs

Management Courses and Programs

Media and Technology

Compliance Training

For Information on any of these Course Topics – Please Contact Us